The St. James Artists’ Guild will present its Fall Art Show for adult artists who are members of or who have ties to St. James during the month of November.  Painters, photographers, sculptors, woodworkers, ceramic artists, and fiber artists are all welcome.

Below are the schedule and rules of participation.

  • Drop off:  Submit your work by bringing up to three pieces to Coleman Hall on Thursday, November 2, between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m.  We will ask you to fill out a label for each work that includes the title, artist, medium, price (NFS is OK), and your phone and e-mail contact information.
  • For two-dimensional work, please bring an easel with you, preferably black. We do not have them on hand!  Black easels provide uniformity and allow the painting to stand out.  Three-dimensional work does not need an easel.  However, if you have this type of work, we encourage you to arrive earlier in the drop-off period to secure a spot for your work.
  • Sales:  All sales are negotiated between the purchaser and the artist. We do not handle negotiations or money.  Work is sold on Sunday mornings in November.  You need not be present to sell, but it helps.
  • If a purchaser is interested in your work, an instructional sign and a committee member on duty will encourage them to contact you directly using the information on your label.  Please make arrangements for purchase and let Shirley Young (225-921-0123) or David Gerard (225-978-3811) know it is sold via text so that we can tell the committee member on duty to immediately put a red “Sold” sticker on the label of the artwork.  Also please let us know the name of the purchaser so that we can release it to them on the pick-up date.
  • Pick up:  No work can be removed from the show until it closes on Sunday, December 3rd.  Please let your purchaser know that and tell them to pick it up that Sunday morning or have someone do so for them.  If your work has not sold, you are asked to remove it by noon on December 3rd.  Any leftover work will be placed in the small parlor.

Please contact Shirley Young,, with questions.