
Although the burial service is not a sacrament, it is an important part of celebrating our hope in faith as we celebrate a life in the light of Christ’s resurrection. Ultimately, the liturgy for the dead is an Easter celebration. The clergy of St. James considers it a great privilege to walk with friends and family through the day before and after the death of a loved one.
Advanced Preparation
The clergy at St. James encourages our members to prepare in advance for their death, so as to make it as easy as possible for those who remain, and those who have responsibility for carrying out their wishes. Such planning includes speaking with family about end-of-life desires, reviewing one’s financial position, consulting with an attorney, making arrangements with a funeral home, and meeting with a clergy member about how the Church will celebrate your life. Please contact any member of the clergy to schedule a time to plan a burial service in advance.
St. James’ columbarium is located outside on the north end of the Parish Hall near our water feature, the River Jordan. It is for the interment of the ashes of members and their families. Each niche can hold two urns. To purchase a niche, please contact Jacques Pourciau by emailing jpourciau@stjamesbr.org.