Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Ministries at St. James seek to create and maintain meaningful connections by extending the expression of Christian love and fellowship to all parishioners and visitors. The various Pastoral Care Ministries at St. James help us to accomplish this by offering support through visitations, phone calls, cards, meals, and more.

Flowers From the Altar Ministry
As an outward and visible expression of our love, this group of volunteers delivers the Sunday altar flowers to parishioners who may be homebound or sick. Flowers may also be given as an expression of appreciation. Contact: Helen Campbell

Eucharistic Visitor Ministry
Eucharistic Visitors are a ministry of licensed parishioners who bring the Holy Eucharist to members of the St. James community unable to attend service. If you or another member would like to receive communion, please contact the church office to make arrangements. Contact: Mother Lynn Hooks

Guild of the Christ Child
On Sundays, the congregation offers prayers for those who are pregnant and/or expecting a child including those who are adopting. To celebrate the joyous occasion, the clergy make visits to these families, offering prayers of thanksgiving and presenting a gift on behalf of the entire congregation, symbolizing the community’s shared joy and support. Contact: Mother Lynn Hooks.

Hospital Visits
The clergy of St. James are committed to pastoral care and make hospital visits on a rotating schedule. Because of patient privacy policies with doctors and hospitals, it is important that you notify the church if you, a loved one, or another member of the congregation is hospitalized and would like a pastoral call. Contact: Mother Lynn Hooks.

Friends Feeding Friends
Friends Feeding Friends was “cooked up” out of a heartfelt desire to support members of our church family during challenging times. Whether they are recovering from an illness, welcoming a new baby, recovering from surgery, or facing other special circumstances, our ministry aims to provide comfort and care through the gift of food. Volunteers impact the lives of those in need by preparing or picking up a prepared meal and delivering it to them. This act of kindness not only helps to ease their burden but also lets them know they are loved and supported by their church community. Contact: Mother Lynn Hooks

Prayer Ministry
St. James is a community of prayer. We gather as a community on Sundays, during the week, and our Day School gathers twice a week. For those willing to commit themselves to praying for those on our prayer list, the prayer list will be sent to you during the week. We simply ask that you pray for each person on the list. You might commit to doing this one day a week, or to praying daily. The purpose is to offer up those on the list, in your home or some quiet place, so that the individuals on the list will have the prayer support of many people. Contact: Laurie Gaston

Saint Martha’s Guild
St. Martha’s Guild hosts visitations in the church parlor before or after funerals. Members support the bereaved family by preparing to receive guests, assisting with floral gifts, and cards, and providing refreshments. Contact: Bunny Hines


Grief Support Ministry
Weekly from Wednesday, September 18 to Wednesday, November 6
6 – 8 p.m. | Conference Room in Ministries Center
An eight-week grief workshop will be offered free to interested St. James parishioners from 6 – 8 p.m., starting Wednesday, September 18. Spaces are limited to 12 people, so please register early for this event. Food and refreshments will be provided. Esther Sachse, LCSW-BACS, CT, OSW-C will lead the workshop. Esther is an LSU School of Social Work graduate and specializes in the following areas: grief, life transitions, coping with illness, working with disabled children and their families, and depression/anxiety. Interested individuals can sign up through Laurie Gaston.