Adult Education

Adult Sunday School
Adult Forum
9:15–10 a.m. | Coleman Hall
The Sunday Adult Forum offers a large-group setting in which we explore various texts, questions, and themes that bear down on a life of faith. Together, we will consider a diversity of topics, ranging from the challenges and joys of the development of children to the theological gift of Matthew’s gospel. Along the way, we will pause for reflection on the sacraments, the richness of Advent hymns, and much more. As in previous years, the Adult Forum will include presentations from multiple community leaders and experts, as well as St. James clergy and staff.
Speaking of Faith: Reflections on Life and Grace
In addition to our regular, multi-part forum series, we are excited to introduce a new Sunday morning forum opportunity called “Speaking of Faith.” These one-off conversations will happen occasionally throughout the year and feature faith and community leaders, exploring how the Spirit is moving in our midst.
Sunday Book Study
9:15 a.m. The Parlor
The Sunday Book Club will meet four times over the course of the year (Sept. 1; Nov. 24; March 2; April 27) to discuss titles that raise questions and provide insight into faith, the church and its history, the scriptures, and their application in daily life.
Adult Inquirers Class
Sundays, September 8, 15, 22, 29 | 9:15 – 10 a.m. | Coleman Hall
What does it mean to be an Episcopalian? What is distinctive about it in the age in which we live? During the Christian Education hour and over four Sundays, we will explore these questions through the lenses of history, theology, and practice. Topics to be discussed include scripture, worship, and sacraments, among others. All are welcome, however, this class is necessary for those adults wishing to be confirmed or received into The Episcopal Church at the Bishop’s visitation on October 6. The class will meet in Coleman Hall.
Weekday Opportunities
Rector’s Tuesday Bible Study
Tuesdays | 9 a.m.
Each Tuesday morning, get a sneak peek at the Sunday readings with Fr. Chris as he unpacks the context of each lesson and then facilitates a thoughtful discussion. Contact: Fr. Chris
Education for Ministry
Thursdays, September through May | 5–7 p.m.
EFM is a four-year course of group study, worship, prayer, and reflection designed to prepare us to respond to our baptismal call to ministry to one another in Christ’s name in the course of our daily lives. It is not a course in religion or theology,; nor is it intended as preparation for ordination. EfM provides an education in Christian scripture and tradition through reading the Bible along with biblical commentary, church history, and practical introductions to Christian theology and ethics.
Contacts: Ann Holmes
Saint Mary’s Group
Second Tuesday of the Month | 6:30 p.m.
This intergenerational group of women gathers monthly to facilitate thought-provoking conversations and celebrate female fellowship. The group meets monthly at different members’ homes for dinner, drinks and conversation. Short on time? A specific chapter or passage will be emailed to the group before each gathering as the main topic of discussion. This group will be discussing “Reclaiming Friendship: God’s Plan for Deep Connection.”
Contact: Caroline Ross
Senior Men’s Bible Study
Wednesdays | 10:30-11:30 a.m. | Ministries Center Library
The Senior Men’s Bible Study meets weekly in the Library on the Ministries Center’s second floor.
Contact: Randy East
St. Joan of Arc
First Wednesday of each Month | Noon
St. Joan of Arc is a gathering of women of the church for scholarship and fellowship. The meetings consist of a light lunch, fellowship, and a brief interactive presentation.
Contact: Mary O’Brien,
Quiet Days
Quiet Days
During the seasons of Advent and Lent, St. James will host quiet days, time dedicated to self-reflection and growth. These days will afford opportunities to explore topical questions and themes in depth and in a variety of settings and led by leading spiritual thinkers and authors. That said, St. James is pleased to offer the following quiet days.
Lenten Quiet Day with the Rev. Canon Morgan MacIntire
Saturday, March 2
On March 2, St. James will welcome the Rev. Canon Morgan MacIntire to lead a Lenten Quiet Day. Having served congregations in Virginia and Louisiana, MacIntire became Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Louisiana in early 2023. Mark your calendars!