Worship Ministries

At the heart of our life together at St. James is our worship of the living God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On any given Sunday, more than thirty individuals work together to ensure Sunday services are as beautiful and meaningful as possible.

The ministry of acolytes is one of the most ancient of the church, dating back more than seventeen centuries. Acolytes play an important role in the service by leading the processions of the service by carrying symbols of our faith, such as crosses and torches. Acolytes also assist the clergy with preparing the altar for Holy Communion. Children and youth from third grade through high school are welcome to join this ministry. Contact: John Sykes.

Altar Guild
Altar Guild is a group of individuals who serve God by preparing and tending the place in which we worship. The Altar Guild works behind the scenes but is vital to each and every worship service. Members prepare the altar for Sunday and Wednesday services, holy days, and other special services, such as funerals and weddings. The Altar Guild also has the privilege of caring for the sacraments of bread and wine, as well as for the sacred vessels and linens used during the communion services. Contact: Jane Christensen.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers have the sacred responsibility of assisting in the distribution of the holy elements during the Eucharist. Contact: Fr. Chris.

Lectors & Intercessors
Lectors read the appointed scripture lessons or prayers of the people during church services. Lectors are needed for all services on Sunday and for special services throughout the church year. Contact: Shirley Young.

Ushers have the important role of creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for all who attend services at St. James. Ushers greet, provide seating assistance, distribute service bulletins, collect the offering, and make sure the church is tidy after each service. Contact: Gary Richards.

Ushers for Funerals
Ushers for funerals provide a warm welcome and directions to guests at St. James during and burial/memorial services. This is a ministry that is both liturgical and pastoral in nature. Contact: Mike Fontenot.

Sunday Greeters
Sundays | 10:15 a.m.
Welcoming our guests and making them feel at home is an important role for all of St. James Episcopal Church parishioners. Our Sunday Greeters are at the forefront of welcoming visitors. Sunday Greeters arrive at church at 10:15 a.m. to welcome visitors to our largest service, and they stay after to answer questions. Contact: Mimi Riche’.