Ash Wednesday (March 5) marked the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is a time when people of faith take honest stock of their lives, learning more and more what it looks like to choose the way of life offered and exemplified by Christ himself. During Lent, we often ask deep and searching questions. Are there things we love that compete with our love of God? Are there spiritual practices we could introduce to deepen our relationships with ourselves or our neighbors?
While Lent lends itself to self-examination and reflection, observing the season in and amongst families can be tricky. How to talk with children about serious topics like sin or death or temptation? How to think about throwing off harmful habits or repentance, fasting or almsgiving with little ones underfoot?
Each Lent, Little Way Chapel produces the “Little Way Lent Guide”, chock full of practical ways to enter more deeply into this season as a family. In the attached, you can find daily activities and engaging practices to support you and your households on your forty-day Lenten journey.
May you sense the Spirit’s guiding and nurture along the way! View the guide HERE.