Fellowship Ministries

Fellowship at St. James centers on the sharing of our spiritual life, as we grow in faith and walk alongside one another throughout life’s seasons.
Bad Girls Book Club
Third Monday of each month | 6 p.m.
The St. James Bad Girls Book Club is a women’s group that meets monthly to read and discuss timely books, enjoy an informal meal, and socialize. The group generally meets at La Madeleine on Jefferson Highway, unless otherwise noted in communications.
Contact: Joan Moore
Foyer Groups
Foyer is a French word meaning “hearthside,” implying the warmth of a close, small group of friends sharing a common love and concern for each other. At St. James, our Foyer Groups, are small groups of eight who gather together on a regular but informal basis for purely social reasons- to enjoy one another’s company, to strengthen bonds of community, and to meet new church members. Groups are made up of singles, couples, young people, and retired folks; in other words, a cross-section of the congregation. Foyer Groups sign-up is in September. The groups begin meeting in January and rotate host homes. Contact: Brent Caldwell
The James Gang
The James Gang is comprised of mostly retired individuals in our community who gather for luncheons, day trips, and other outings throughout the year, staying active, involved, and building new friendships. Contact: John Cadwallader
Garden Guild
The gardens of St. James are a welcoming reminder of God’s creation and an invitation to others to get to know our parish. The Garden Guild’s mission is to maintain and enhance these spaces for the enjoyment of our parish and our city. Parishioners will meet periodically to work in the gardens. All are welcome to volunteer! In fact, this is a great opportunity for families. Contact: Steve Boutwell
Wedding Guild
Marriage is a joyous celebration and is considered a Holy Sacrament in the Episcopal faith. The St. James Wedding Guild members help ensure weddings go as planned by providing assistance to the clergy, the wedding parties, and the families involved with weddings at St. James. Contact: Sue Larisey
Dine-in & Take-Out Friday, March 28, 2025
Take-out Friday, March 14, 2025
St. James’ Gumbo is a premier opportunity for fellowship and connection between parishioners, our downtown neighbors, and gumbo enthusiasts for a gumbo luncheon. Funds raised benefit church and outreach projects. To make gumbo a success during Lent, we need over fifty volunteers. Volunteer duties include answering phones, taking orders, serving food, acting as cashiers, greeting guests, and more. Contacts: John Sykes
Crawfish Boil
Friday, May 2, 2025
The Associate Vestry invites all members of St. James together to enjoy a crawfish boil every spring. This is an opportunity for food, fellowship, and fun. Pull up a chair and visit with congregants you might not know and enjoy the delicious Louisiana delicacy or some jambalaya if crawfish are not for you!
Feast of St. James Annual Luncheon
Sunday, July 27, 2025
Following the 10:30 a.m. service, enjoy a fried fish lunch with family and friends to celebrate our namesake, St. James. Bishops Hall allows for a pleasant cooler setting for fellowship and games for all to enjoy.
Name Tag & Birthday Blessing Sunday
Second Sunday of the Month
Name tags create a sense of connection, familiarity, and community. Name tags are available when entering the church. parishioners of all ages are invited to join each other for birthday prayer and blessing.
Newcomer Events
Twice a year, our newest members and guests are invited to dinner. This allows the church staff and the new members a chance to, in an informal setting, get to know each other better and for the latest members to get to know each other.