Music Ministry

“Those who sing, pray twice.” –St. Augustine
The Music Ministry at St. James is a comprehensive program encompassing musicians of all skill levels and ages. We believe that music in worship is an outward expression of our faith in God. It is our goal to produce the highest possible standard of music-making, music as a living sacrifice of time and talent to our Creator.
Music is an integral part of the worship of St. James and involves musicians of all ages and abilities. Whether it is by joining one of our excellent choirs, attending a service like Evensong or Compline, or supporting us in our 2025 residency at Worcester Cathedral, there is a place for you in this ministry!
Over the next two years, the choirs will be engaging in extensive rehearsals, preparation, and fundraising as we prepare for our July 2025 residency at Worcester Cathedral in the United Kingdom. Over a week-long residency, our choirs will serve as the Cathedral choir, offering daily Evensongs, exploring the English countryside, castles, and museums, and immersing themselves in the birthplace of our musical and spiritual tradition. Learn More!
St. James has three principal choirs.
St James Choir
This semi-professional adult ensemble sings most Sunday services throughout the year, as well as Evensong, Compline, Lessons & Carols, and other special concerts. Made up of volunteers who sing alongside the St. James Schola (our paid staff singers), this group sings music spanning nearly 1,500 years, from Gregorian chant to Spirituals. Membership is open to anyone with a basic understanding of how to read music, who can match pitch, and can commit to the schedule of rehearsals and services.
The St. James Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m.-8:45 p.m. and sings most Sundays, as well as on Feast Days and Evensongs.
St James Schola
St. James Choir
Rehearsals Wednesdays | 7-8:45 p.m.
This semi-professional adult ensemble sings most Sunday services throughout the year, as well as Evensong, Compline, Lessons & Carols, and other special concerts. Made up of volunteers who sing alongside the St. James Schola (our paid staff singers), this group sings music spanning nearly 1,500 years, from Gregorian chant to Spirituals. Membership is open to anyone with a basic understanding of how to read music, who can match pitch, and can commit to the schedule of rehearsals and services.
St Cecilia Choir
St. Cecilia Choir
Rehearsals Thursdays | 4-6 p.m.
Also known as “The Treble Choir,” this group is comprised girls and boys with unchanged voices in grades 5-12. Using the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCMA), these choristers undergo serious, formal musical training, and typically sing two Sundays a month during the academic year, as well as special events like Evensong, Compline, Lessons & Carols, and special concerts. Members may be eligible for an end-of-year scholarship of up to nearly $500. Membership is limited and by audition.
St. Francis Choir
St. Francis Choir
Rehearsals Thursdays | 3:30-4:30 p.m.
This choir is where our youngest musicians, grades 2-4, dip their toes in the musical pool. Using the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCMA), these choristers undergo basic, formative musical training, and typically sing one Sunday a month during the academic year. Contact Shannon Gallier at to sign up or for more information.
Choral Services
The choirs of St. James offer several regular choral services throughout the year.
Choirs Uncorked Fundraiser
Friday, September 6 | 6-9 p.m. | Bishops Hall
Choirs Uncorked will be an elegant evening of food and wine, with entertainment, a wine pull, and a silent auction. Choirs Uncorked benefits the choir’s 2025 Choral Residency at Worcester Cathedral.
Music Ministry Sunday
Sunday, September 8 | 10:30 a.m.
Celebrate the return of the full choir to the 10:30 a.m. service with Choir Sunday, when they will offer their traditional first Sunday of the program year anthem, C. Hubert H. Parry’s beloved “I was glad”, a staple of English coronations since 1902.
A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 22. | 5 p.m.
4:30 p.m., Pre-service recital, Austin Clark, Organist
5 p.m., Glory in the music of Christmas Lessons & Carols as we celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season in this beloved annual service.
Hymn-a-thon Fundraiser
Saturday, March 22 | 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Join the choirs any time during the day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. as they sing through the entire Hymnal 1982 in their annual marathon fundraiser. End the day sometime between 5:30 and 6 p.m. with the National Anthem (hymn 720!) and a celebration in Coleman Hall.
Cathedral Grandeur: A Preview Concert
Sunday, May 18 | 3 p.m.
Experience the grandeur of four centuries of English cathedral music as the choirs sing selections from their Worcester Cathedral residency repertoire in a concert showcasing works by Tomkins, Sumsion, Elgar, and many others.
Choral Evensong
Over the coming program year, the choirs will be engaging in extensive rehearsals, preparation, and fundraising as they prepare for their July 2025 residency at Worcester Cathedral in the United Kingdom. Part of that preparation will be the offering of six services of Choral Evensong, each mirroring the services that they will sing in that historic space. During their week-long residency at Worcester, our choirs will serve as the Cathedral choir, offering daily Evensong as well as a Sunday Choral Eucharist. They will also explore the beautiful English countryside, visit castles and museums, and immerse themselves in the birthplace of our musical and spiritual tradition.
Evensong, one of the crown jewels of our tradition, is a beautiful evening service filled with sung prayer and timeless music. All events are free, open to the public, and followed by a reception in Bishops Hall.
Sunday, October 6
4:30 p.m., Pre-service recital, Shannon Gallier, Organist
5 p.m., Choral Evensong St. Michael and All Angels
Sunday, November 3
4:30 p.m., Pre-service recital, Shannon Gallier, Organist
5 p.m., Choral Evensong All Saints’ Sunday
Sunday, January 26
4:30 p.m., Pre-service recital, Shannon Gallier, Organist
5 p.m., Choral Evensong The Conversion of St. Paul
Sunday, February 23
4:30 p.m., Pre-service recital, Shannon Gallier, Organist
5 p.m., Choral Evensong Martin Luther
Sunday, March 9
4:30 p.m., Pre-service recital, Austin Clark, Organist
5 p.m., Choral Evensong John & Charles Wesley
Tuesday, July 8
6 p.m., Bon Voyage Choral Evensong
Come and wish the choirs “Bon Voyage!” in a final service before they depart for the United Kingdom on Friday, July 11 to take up their post at Worcester Cathedral. Bishop Shannon Duckworth will join the service as we offer special prayers for safe travels. The evening will be concluded with an English-themed reception in Coleman Hall.
Winter Season Offerings
Advent Lessons & Carols based on the Great “O” Antiphons
Sunday, December 3
- 4:30 p.m. Pre-service organ recital, Shannon Gallier
- 5 p.m. Lessons & Carols
This year, St. James & St. Cecilia Choirs will offer a service of Advent Lessons & Carols in place of our usual Christmas Lessons & Carols. With the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve 2023 being the same day, we will use this opportunity to explore the mystery of Advent as we prepare for the joy of Christmas. Using the ancient “O” Antiphons as a framework, we will journey in music from darkness into light and prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child. A champagne & shortbread reception will follow in Coleman Hall.
Downtown Christmas Pilgrimage
Sunday, December 11
Join the wider community as we celebrate the season with a Downtown Christmas Music Pilgrimage. Walk between downtown churches for a brief program of seasonal music, reflecting each church’s style and tradition. The combined choirs of St. James will offer music for Advent and Christmas in a preview of their December 18 service of Lessons and Carols.
The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 24
The 5:00 p.m. service, with organ, brass, and choir, will be preceded by a carol-sing beginning at 4:30, with members of the congregation joining their voices with the choir in favorite carols from the Hymnal 1982.
The 7:30 p.m. service will be a Choral Eucharist, with organ, brass, and choir, and will be preceded by a prelude of choral and organ works beginning at 7:10 p.m.