The Messenger
The Messenger is St. James quarterly newsletter where you can learn of news, events, and ways to serve through St. James Episcopal Church.

The Herald
The Herald is St. James weekly enewsletter where you can learn of news, events, and ways to serve through St. James Episcopal Church.

Altar Flowers
Altar Flowers Your generous contribution to altar flowers glorifies God and enhances our worship services. After our worship services your donated flowers are distributed to St. James parishioners who are unable to attend the service. Flowers can be donated in honor...
Celebrating the Life & Music of Ned Rorem (1923-2022)
On Sunday, March 19, our 10:30 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist will feature music by renowned American composer, Ned Rorem. Rorem, who died in 2022 at the age of 99, was one of the leading and most prolific modern classical composers in the world. Described as a...
2022 Annual Parish Meeting
2022 marked the 179th year of parish meetings for St. James. Thank you to the members of the Associate Vestry for another delicious breakfast and thank you to everyone that was able to attend. Below you will find three links for those that were unable to join us in...
Outreach After Ida
Early morning on Friday, September 3, Canon Shannon Duckworth from the diocesan office called Fr. Chris to see if a team could be assembled at the last minute to help with distributing supplies and food to families in Thibodaux on Saturday morning. By that afternoon,...
Baton Rouge Al-Anon
“Does someone’s drinking cause you problems, such as embarrassment, anger, or worry? If your answer is yes, you are not alone and Al-Anon may be able to help. Please visit the website for the Baton Rouge Al-Anon Information Services (AIS) There you can find a quiz,...
Family Ministries’ Lenten Learning Burying the Alleluias
Carnival time isn't over yet, but as Fat Tuesday approaches, it's a reminder that so too does Lent, a time to prepare hearts for Easter. One way the Church marks the Lenten season is by abstaining from saying, “Alleluia.” By fasting from this powerful word (meaning...
St. James Serve Sunday
Dear St. James Church, On behalf of the clergy, staff, and Outreach Committee, I am pleased to announce the first ever St. James Serve Sunday on November 14! Serve Sunday is a new offering organized by the Outreach Committee that seeks to connect faith and service by...
2023 Summer Choir
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to sing in a choir? Beginning June 4, you can find out! All are invited to join the choir throughout the summer. While the choir takes a well-deserved summer break from Wednesday rehearsals, they will still gather at 9:45 a.m. on...
2022-2023 Ministries Directory
"In the pages of this ministry directory for the 2022-2023 Program Year, you will find a glimpse into the ways the people of St. James...
A Look Back at the Start of the Program Year
Sunday, September 12th marked the official start of program year with fellowship, learning and growth opportunities for the whole family to enjoy. Thank you to everyone who joined us! Adult Forum returned with One Parish, One Book, a weekly parish-wide book study of...