The Messenger
The Messenger is St. James quarterly newsletter where you can learn of news, events, and ways to serve through St. James Episcopal Church.

The Herald
The Herald is St. James weekly enewsletter where you can learn of news, events, and ways to serve through St. James Episcopal Church.

2021-2022 Ministries Directory
In the pages of this ministry directory, you will find just some of the ways the people of St. James seek to make the kingdom of God known in Baton Rouge and beyond. In this time of pandemic, it is vital that we build up our beloved community in Christ while also doing our part to keep people safe. Therefore, it is imperative that we do what we can to meet people where they are and offer a variety of opportunities, as we are able. This directory is primarily focusing on educational, fellowship, pastoral care, and outreach ministries.
Community Resources List
The Home Services List was initially created in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina, by St. James parishioner and stellar volunteer, Nancy Jo Poirrier. This list is not intended to promote any particular business or service. It is created to help us all select from a...
Organ Installation Updates
Week 1: On Thursday, June 17, the team from Goulding & Wood Pipe Organ Builders arrived at St. James. Along with 15 volunteers, the Goulding & Wood staff unloaded the semi-truck containing all ten tons of organ between 11am and 6pm. Weeks 2-3: Over the next...
A Hymn Celebrating Black History Month
Sung by the Treble Choir of St. James, Baton Rouge Shannon Gallier, Director of Music Austin Clark, Organist "Let us break bread together” is a rare example of an Afro-American Spiritual inspired by the Eucharist. The sedate and ordered structure of most liturgical...
Seminarian News
St. James is happy to announce that Annie Jung, our seminarian in her second year at Virginia Theological Seminary, has been granted candidacy for ordination. This is one of several pivotal moments in the process towards becoming a priest. God willing and the people...
Welcome Home St. James!
We are excited to announce our first day back in the church will be January 31st! Sunday Schedule Services have been temporarily modified to the following: 7:30am Holy Eucharist, Rite I (spoken only) 9:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II (music by choral quartet...
St. James Online Holiday Art Show
Click on the thumbnail print to see the full image.
Worship With Us
Sunday Schedule 8 a.m. – Morning Service, Rite I 10:30 a.m. – Morning Service, Rite II: YouTube 5 p.m. – Evening Service Wednesday Schedule Noon – Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
Church Renovations
Construction to renovate the interior of the historic church began on May 1, 2020. The scope of the work will include several much needed projects including plaster restoration, updated electrical and lighting, upgrade A/C and heating, add fire suppression...
God’s Love Today
In times when our lives are filled with stress and anxiety, we have to be intentional about opening our eyes to God's love that is all around us. We invite you to reflect on and then share your stories and/or pictures of where you saw or experienced God's Love Today....